Word Inadequacy

It’s pretty well known that I sometimes have problems verbalising myself. It’s like there’s a big dictionary in my head with half the words whited out, definitions included. It’s super annoying to me and absolutely hilarious to the people who get to watch me struggle to find the words. Fun fact: I manage to completely forget the name of the Winter Gardens on a semi regular basis. I try to explain it as ‘that big white place where some things happen and it sort of has a dome’. Way to go, self.

I’m at that stage in my relationship where I could just talk about him all day if allowed, except, well, I couldn’t. I just can’t say what I want to because it just escapes my mind. I search around and it’s not there and its super frustrating because I want to share goddamnit. It’s just as well, really, it’s not like anyone wants to hear anyway, lol.

1 Comment

  1. August 30, 2010 at 12:02 am

    Welcome to my world. I call it “brain farts”. You know that you know the word but can’t kick your brain in gear to spit it out.

    Blessings on you and yours
    John Wilder

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